Making it possible

Resource Center for Integration (VIFIN) is a knowledge and research center at the Municipality of Vejle established in 2002 to collect and process knowledge on integration, and to develop and implement integration projects and activities.

ENAIP, Ente Nazionale Acli Istruzione Professionale, is a non-profit association, which operates at a national and international level, with initiatives addressed to youngsters, workers and companies, and has been legally recognised since 1961.

Center for Research and Education Ltd. is a pioneering enterprise aiming to develop and support social entrepreneurship in Cyprus. It initiates and implements projects of positive social impact (in the fields of employment, migrant integration, entrepreneurship and social inclusion) and operates “Hub Nicosia,” a collaborative space and a community of organisations with primary social purpose.

Pistes solidaires
Pistes-Solidaires is an association that develops its projects and actions according to UNESCO’s 4 pillars of education: learn to know, learn to be, learn to do, learn to live together and with the others. We create educational situations to develop social skills, to facilitate living together and to learn to be. Pistes-Solidaires bases its work on non-formal education methods, particularly those based on experiential learning. Our goal is that each young person may benefit from the unique experience of international educational mobility. Education goes hand in hand with openness to the world and an understanding of local / global interdependencies.

The VNB is an officially acknowledged state-wide adult educational institution in Lower Saxony / Germany, founded in 1984. It is as well an umbrella organisation with a network of more than 200 adult educational member organisations and not-for-profit co-operation partners. Major topics of VNB educational work are of public, social and political interest, such as migration and integration, sustainable development, family and intergenerational education, gender and LGBTI* education, global learning, and many more. These activities are implemented solely or in co-operation with educational partners on regional, national or transnational level. Apart from its own educational work, the VNB gives financial, organizational and professional support to associations from Lower Saxony working in the VNB educational context and network.